  1. Damn Old Town


Oh brother help me
Help me find a road
Keep my foes,
From draggin me down
Oh brother help me
Help me find a road
Out this damn old town X2

Done every ragged job in the damn old town
Met every foolish slob in this damn old town
Sorry my family I just can't stay
in this damn old town just one damn more day

Oh brother help me
Help me find road
Keep my foes
From holdin me down
Oh brother help me
Help me find a road
Out this damn old town X2

The cocaine is runs cheap in this damn old town
It'll put you six feet deep in this damn old town
nothin better to do so pass the bottle booze
till the sun goes down in this damn old town

Oh brother help me
Help me find road
Keep my foes
From holdin me down
Oh brother help me
Help me find a road
Out this damn old town X2

Flock to the church like sheep in this damn old town
Everybody stays asleep in this damn old town
Lambs to the slaughter they've doomed their sons and daughters stay
in this damn old town the rest of their damn days

But this damb old town ya see its home to me
It's where I got everything I'll ever need
You can take me out this damn Old town but you can't take this damn Old town outta me

Oh brother help me
Help me find road
Keep my foes
From holdin me down
Oh brother help me
Help me find a road
Out this damn old town X2